The Hottest Portable Rig for Cold Start Dabbing
Perfect for cold start dabbing, the Stache Products Rio Portable Dab Rig is a standout dab rig. A convenient portable rig, R.I.O. stands for rig-in-one as this model is an all-in-one on-the-go wax rig. Unlike the traditional rig, the Rio doesn’t rely on coils but is instead all-mechanical. This means fewer parts to replace and maintain. This dab kit includes a glass bubbler with showerhead perc, a carb cap, quartz banger, dab tool, and torch, all within a high-quality zippered carrying case.
What’s Included:
- (1) Glass Bubbler with Showerhead Perc (14mm Female)
- (1) Quartz Banger (14mm Male)
- (1) R.I.O. Base
- (1) Torch with overflow valve
- (1) Glass Carb Cap
- (1) Dab Tool
- (1) Zip up carrying case